Fred Meyer Community Rewards.
1. Obtain a Fred Meyers rewards card, available at Customer Service. You also get personal rewards on your card. Fred Meyers Foundation donates an additional amount to our school -- a percentage of the total $$ spent from registered users.2. Create an account (or reset password to an old account)
3. Search for Five Oaks/Rachel Carson PTO #80874 and enroll.
(updated Oct 2017)
Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchases to our school when you enroll in Amazon Smile and select Five Oaks Parent Teacher Organization in Beaverton Oregon.
You must log on to instead of The prices, selection and service are the same.
To donate 0.5% of eligible Amazon purchases to Five Oaks PTO (your purchase price does not change)
1. log onto instead of It is the same amazon website -- same products, same prices, same service.
2. Select Five Oaks Parent Teacher Organization. To select your charity, click on the triangle at the end of their "default" charity (today The Nature Conservancy)
You must log on to instead of The prices, selection and service are the same.
To donate 0.5% of eligible Amazon purchases to Five Oaks PTO (your purchase price does not change)
1. log onto instead of It is the same amazon website -- same products, same prices, same service.
2. Select Five Oaks Parent Teacher Organization. To select your charity, click on the triangle at the end of their "default" charity (today The Nature Conservancy)
The next screen has a colored label CHANGE after the organization's name which brings your to a Search box. We are listed at Five Oaks Parent Teacher Organization. SELECT.
Thank you for your support!
Box Tops 4 Education
Help support Five Oaks/Rachel Carson by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating General Mills products. In 2009-10 we earned $479 - let’s beat that number! To participate, clip the bright pink coupons and send them to school with your child or deposit them in the bottles near the volunteer sign in area in the school office. Each coupon is worth 10 cents and it adds up quickly to help buy new books for our library! For more information, see the Box Tops 4 Education website.