Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ways to donate to PTO without any cost to you:

Do you shop at Fred Meyer? 
If so, connect your rewards card to the Five Oaks PTO (#80874) and Fred Meyer will donate to your school! You can connect your rewards card by visiting the following link: www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards

Do you shop online through Amazon?
If so, use the PTO website, click on the Amazon link, and the school will get a percentage of your purchase back from Amazon. 

Do any of your grocery items have Box Tops? 
If so, there is a collection box in the office for Five Oaks and another in Ms. Hall’s room for Rachel Carson families.  This money is given to the schools directly for their programs. For a complete list of products that support the Box Tops for Education click or copy the following link: http://www.boxtops4education.com/products/participating-products

Why should you help the PTO? 
We work hard to provide funds for end of year BBQs, Art Literacy programs run by parent volunteers, and provide as many grant requests by staff to help enrich their classrooms. 
·       Below are some examples grants the PTO has awarded in the past few years:
o   Supplies for Rachel Carson Science Fair
o   Shakespeare books for Drama program
o   Awards for battle of the books teams
o   Equipment for the Technology classes
o   Supplies for the Science Enrichment classes

To learn more about the PTO and what it does for the school you can send an email to the PTO at pto.fo.rc@gmail.com  with any questions you may have pertaining to the PTO.